Being an SDR means being well-acquainted with the word “no.” It means taking rejection on the chin, and always being willing to send another email or make another phone call. Still, though, SDRs are human. Rejection hurts (even after the 100th time) and resilience may not come naturally. As their manager, you can teach your SDRs to embrace and learn from every “no.” Here are three ways to help your sales team handle rejection.
Encourage SDRs to expect (and prepare for) common objections.
Perhaps the most important thing for your SDRs to remember is that rejection is part of the job. It’s in no way a personal attack on them and should not be taken as such. Furthermore, an initial “no” is not necessarily final. There’s a major difference between a rejection and an objection, which is when a prospect raises concerns about your product that may hinder them from buying. Spend some time teaching your SDRs about common objections and how to respond to them. And even when a rejection is final, encourage your team to learn from it and move on (more on that later).
Be transparent about your own struggles.
As a sales leader, your SDRs are looking to you not only for guidance, but also as an example of what a successful salesperson should be and do. This might feel like a lot of pressure, but consider it as an opportunity to remind your team that you, like them, are human. Your journey to sales leadership wasn’t perfect, and you’ve surely faced (and continue to face) a significant number of rejections. Be open with your team about your own sales struggles. By doing so, you’ll begin to foster a culture of transparency where your SDRs aren’t afraid of rejection and feel psychologically safe in seeking out help.
It may also be useful to integrate this transparency into team meetings and check-ins. Encourage SDRs to share not only their wins, but instances in which they were told “no.” You never know how many reps might be struggling with the same thing, and your team can put their heads together to figure out how to overcome this obstacle.
Reflect and revise.
Ever heard the saying, “every loss is a lesson learned”? We at Vendition believe strongly in this, but we know that SDRs must be intentional about learning from their losses. This ultimately begins with you creating an environment where SDRs understand it’s okay to “take an L” every now and then.
When someone on your team faces a rejection, it’s imperative that they’re able to pause and reflect on all of their interactions with that prospect — you might initiate this reflection in a one on one meeting, or encourage SDRs to build it into their personal schedules. The goal of this reflection is to pinpoint what worked and what didn’t, and if there’s anything the SDR might be able to adjust the next time they engage with a similar prospect. Maybe they need to use more hard-hitting statistics in their cold emails, or maybe they need to listen more closely to that prospect’s specific problem. Whatever the case, taking time to reflect after a prospect says “no” only sets your SDRs up for success down the road.
Bonus tip:
Never underestimate the power of words of affirmation. Remind your SDRs of their successes at least as much as you discuss their shortcomings. Every person on your team is good at something, and that reminder may just be the positive boost they need to push a little harder.
Being an SDR is no easy feat, and being an SDR leader can get quite overwhelming. If you’re looking for help coaching your SDRs to reach their full potential, connect with Vendition today.