Many sales development reps start their new job and quickly discover that it is hard to set a time on a prospects calendar. Some reps will waste 3-5 emails just trying to pick a time to connect with their prospect. Save yourself a headache and signup for Calendly for free.
Calendly works great fpr booking meetings with prospects, peers, anyone that you want to quickly schedule a meeting with.
It works well because it first gives the option for a custom welcome message, and the person can pick the calendar that is best for them. Sales Bootcamp example below:
The end-user can then pick that day and time that works best. Notice that you can also limit specific days and times ( as an example next week is not available ).
Customize your fields. It takes only 5 minutes to quickly customize your fields. See the example below, but you can add specific times, questions, and follow-up notes and notifications.
Save time and start booking more meetings!