This week, we are highlighting Nicole Ramos as Vendition’s Apprentice of the Week! We are very proud of her accomplishments at Hustle and can’t wait to see her continued success in her sales career.

After Nicole graduated with a biology degree from the University of Guam, she wanted a change from the small island pace and became a flight attendant based out of San Francisco for two years. She loved the city and eventually decided a career switch was needed to keep her feet on the ground and local. She was naturally interested the sales path because both her brother and father had successful careers in sales. With no prior experience, however, she had a hard time finding a job, until she found Vendition.


Check out the interview with Nicole Ramos to learn her story:

“When I first started applying for jobs, I was constantly receiving rejections because many companies required relevant experience and education of the field right away. My resume was instantly flawed compared to other candidates because of my background in science. When I discovered Vendition, I was so interested to see how the company had a goal to bridge the gap between people who are interested in sales to tech companies needing sales people. After going through the online bootcamp, my Relationship Manager introduced me to Hustle, and I immediately felt right at home. What I really enjoy about the team at Hustle is that we all come from various backgrounds. With more than half the employees being women and people of color, Hustle’s given me an incredible opportunity to be part of an inclusive environment. A lot of people in the company aren’t people you’d expect to meet in tech.

“I really owe it to Ashleigh for teaching me how to be a SDR, tailoring the program to what suited me the most to make me comfortable in the role and really succeed. We did a lot of mock calls, and she gave me insight on outbound prospecting sequences. My goal for the first month was to schedule one meeting, but with Ashleigh’s help I was able to do seven. An important strategy that she taught me was to shift my script when making phone calls. Rather than telling them the value of the company, she showed me how to shift into asking the client questions first to see what needs and wants the company could fulfill. This helped me close calls more quickly and effectively.


Here are some tips from Nicole to future SDRs:

“When I first started out in the role I was an observer. I watched what the top SDRs did, took the things I liked from each person and combined it into something unique for myself.

“It’s really important to think outside of the box and be versatile. Get to know who you are prospecting and be sure to do thorough research before making a call.

“If you want something enough, all you really need is a positive mindset and to be hard working.


Closing thoughts:

“I came from a place with no experience in tech, and Vendition was able to help me get through that barrier. A lot of companies I applied to that initially rejected me actually reached out to me after I went through Vendition. I really appreciate the team in helping me get my foot in the door and figuring out my career path. Regardless of what and where you come from, if you really want to develop a career in tech sales, Vendition can help you. I am doing very well at Hustle and am grateful for this experience.”


Amazing work at Hustle, Nicole. Our team is so proud of you and always be here as a resource!